Concerning the Constitutionality of Louisiana state law, Act 620, requiring that a physician providing abortions hold active admitting privileges at a hospital located within thirty miles.
- Reproductive Rights
Legal Momentun's Role:
- Joined Amicus Brief
Summary of the Case
The Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of a Louisiana state law, Act 620, which requires that a physician providing abortions hold active admitting privileges at a hospital located within thirty miles from where the abortion is performed. The Louisiana law at issue is identical to the Texas law struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2016 in Whole Women’s Health.
Our Role in the Case
Legal Momentum joined an amicus brief, drafted by the National Women’s Law Center and the law firm Simpson, Thatcher & Bartlett. The brief explains how abortion restrictions like the Louisiana law undermine individuals' equality and economic security. It argues that abortion restrictions like the one in Louisiana violate people’s constitutionally protected liberty to make the intimate decisions that are intertwined with broader economic and social equality rights. The brief highlights the negative impacts of the law on people's financial well-being, job security, workforce participation, and educational attainment, and the particularly harmful impact on low-income individuals, communities of color, low-wage workers, and those who already have children.
This brief is substantially similar to the amicus brief we joined in 2016 opposing the identical Texas law struck down in Whole Women’s Health.