On October 19, the Hispanic Scholarship Fund inducted Legal Momentum President and CEO Carol Robles-Román and her sister, The New York Times journalist Frances Robles, into its Alumni Hall of Fame. The ceremony took place during the organization’s annual gala at the Pierre Hotel in New York City. HSF's board chair is Lisa Quiroz, President, Time Warner Foundation and Senior VP and Diversity Officer, Time Warner, Legal Momentum’s 2017 Aiming High Honoree.
Carol was awarded a scholarship from the fund while attending New York University Law School, where she earned her JD degree. Frances received a scholarship from the fund during her senior year at NYU, enabling her to live on campus and work at the Times. Both sisters thanked the fund for helping them to achieve their dreams and give back to the community.
As Frances said in accepting her honor, “Carol instilled the notion that only by joining forces and helping each other would we succeed, as individuals and as a people. If we wished to dedicate our careers to social justice and the unique challenges faced by people of color, we all had to do this together—whether that meant protesting discrimination at school, battling the corporate, profit-motivated forces behind sex trafficking or uncovering wrongful convictions. I’m proud to look back on these past decades and say that that is what we ultimately did. I try to expose injustice. Carol aims to fix it. Juntas.”
A short video featuring the sister honorees is available at this YouTube link.
Hearty congratulations to Carol and Frances from all of us at Legal Momentum!