Esta guía proporciona una descripción general de las opciones disponibles para los estudiantes víctimas de agresión sexual perpetrados por un compañero de estudios u otro afiliado universitario, incluidos los derechos del Título IX.
Resource for Women and Advocates
If you are being watched, leave now!
This guide tracks legislation or government initiatives requiring or encouraging public and/or private employers to adopt domestic and sexual violence policies.
This guide provides an overview of options available to student victims of sexual assault perpetrated by a fellow student or other university affiliate, including rights under Title IX.
Civil service exams are often an avenue to well-paying, stable careers. This fact sheet describes the rights of pregnant women who seek to reschedule such an exam.
A map showing state-by-state eligibility for unemployment isurance protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
This webinar reviews the importance of having a policy that addresses situations where the employee is either a victim or perpetrator of domestic or sexual violence, and the principals that inform an effective policy.
These 10 principles were developed by a national coalition of employer, labor, and government organizations and define a set of standards to guide workplace responses to domestic violence.
A domestic and sexual violence workplace bill of rights, available as a poster.
A Know Your Rights fact sheet regarding the rights of pregnant and parenting students in schools and educational institutions.
This guide details state policies on unemployment insurance eligibility for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking who need to leave their jobs or are discharged because of the violence in their lives.
A summary of the effects of domestic and sexual violence and the workplace, including who is affected and current litigation protecting survivors.
A fact sheet on New York City's new law, the “Pregnant Workers Fairness Act” (PWFA), which clarifies an employer’s responsibilities towards employees with special needs arising from pregnancy or childbirth.