Teen Dating Abuse & Violence is a scourge as epidemic, harmful, and potentially lethal as adult domestic violence. Unchecked, teen dating abuse and violence can entrench a lifetime pattern of perpetration by abusers and acceptance of abuse by victims. The rapidly growing awareness of teen dating abuse and violence presents an opportunity for judges, courts, and court-related professionals to protect victims, intervene with perpetrators, and educate the communities they serve on their role in prevention. The teen years are a period of peak learning capacity and potential for change.
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A comprehensive overview of NJEP's resources on adult victim sexual assault and the intersection of sexual assault and domestic violence.
This flyer describes available NJEP training materials and resources on adult victim sexual assault.
This interactive module explores the research on the language we use to describe sexual violence, why that language isimportant, and how the use of accurate language by the judiciary has a far-reaching impacton societal understanding of and responses to sexual violence.
This curriculum provides accurate information about the purposes and processes of medical forensic sexual assault examinations and what they can and cannot “prove.”
This course provides an in-depth look at dealing specifically with women, trauma, and substance abuse.
This curriculum for new judges presents the unique challenges that exist in adult victim sexual assault cases and offers resources to assist judges in meeting them.
This curriculum explores the research on how juries decide sexual assault cases in which the victim is an adult, and asks judges to explore and discuss their role in selecting a fair jury, protecting juror’s privacy, and minimizing jurors’ stress and trauma in these difficult cases.
This Model Curriculum was developed out of emerging research documenting that sexual abuse is widespread in the domestic violence context, and that forced sex in addition to physical violence is a leading indicator of potential lethality for victims and their children. Thus, knowing whether there is sexual abuse and forced sex in a violent relationship is a key factor in risk assessment and decision-making in legal cases. The justice system needs strategies that encourage victims to disclose intimate partner sexual abuse and resources for effective offender dispositions and management.
This curriculum covers several of the key elements a judge should consider when using an interpreter for a sexual assault case.
Elder sexual abuse is a distinct form of victimization in which victims’ age and health further complicate the particular challenges that every sexual abuse/assault case presents for the courts. This curriculum explores the research on elder sexual abuse and its implications for civil and criminal courts.
A two-day model curriculum that focuses on dealing fairly with sexual assault cases, especially nonstranger rapes. It invites judges to consider how this research on adult victim sexual assault relates to their responsibilities as leaders in the criminal justice system and the community.