Survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking face increased instability when trying to address or escape abuse. This typically impacts their employment and economic security. As a result, survivors can face unique obstacles that may adversely impact their work and may need to plan for their safety, seek workplace adjustments, or take time off to address the impacts of the abuse.
Legal Research Guide
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Orientación para mujeres y defensores sobre las protecciones y recursos legales existentes en el estado de Nueva York para promover la igualdad en el lugar de trabajo y la seguridad económica para todas las mujeres.
Guidance for women and advocates on existing legal workplace protections and resources in New York State to advance economic security for all women.
Answers to frequently asked questions about New York State's paid family leave law.
A detailed guide on state laws pertaining to pregnancy discrimination, workplace accommodations, rights to request pregnancy-related and family leave, and breastfeeding.
This guide tracks legislation or government initiatives requiring or encouraging public and/or private employers to adopt domestic and sexual violence policies.
A map showing state-by-state eligibility for unemployment isurance protections for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
This guide details state policies on unemployment insurance eligibility for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking who need to leave their jobs or are discharged because of the violence in their lives.
Several states have proposed or enacted laws allowing employers to apply for restraining orders to prevent violence, harassment, or stalking of their employees. The laws vary in significant ways, such as whether the employer may seek a restraining order or injunction on behalf of itself rather than on behalf of the employee and whether an employee who is the target of violence must be consulted prior to the employer’s seeking a restraining order.
Many domestic violence victims report losing their housing due, at least in part, to the violence in their lives. Several jurisdictions have enacted laws specifically indicating that domestic violence victims are protected from housing discrimination.