Amicus Briefs
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Through its litigation initiatives, Legal Momentum has made historic and enduring contributions to the rights and opportunities available to women. This is often accomplished through participation in cases as amicus curiae ("friend of the court"). Amici are groups or individuals who are not parties to the case but have particular expertise in the issues at its heart. They bring their expertise to the court in the form of an amicus brief to inform the court’s deliberations. Each year Legal Momentum writes and joins numerous amicus briefs in cases dealing with issues central to our mission.
Anti-Choice ViolenceAuthored Amicus Brief: Determined whether a city ordinance that prohibited targeted residential picketing, enacted to prevent intrusive picketing outside homes of abortion providers, violated the First Amendment.
Fairness in the Courts | Violence Against Women and GirlsAuthored Amicus Brief: Concerned the right to sue for civil remedies under VAWA and the constitutional power of Congress to enact VAWA.
Reproductive Rights | Anti-Choice ViolenceAuthored Amicus Brief: Determined the constitutionality of the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances law, or FACE, which prohibits obstructing ingress and egress at reproductive health facilities.
Fairness in the Courts | Workplace Equality and Economic EmpowermentAuthored Amicus Brief: This case, the first sexual harassment class action to reach federal court, determined whether the person appointed to determine the damages owed to the victims of a workplace sexual harassment case committed legal errors in his discovery report.
Violence Against Women and Girls | Workplace Equality and Economic EmpowermentAuthored Amicus Brief: Determined the right to unemployment benefits when a woman is forced to quit job due to domestic violence.
Violence Against Women and GirlsAuthored Amicus Brief: Prosecuting a stalker under VAWA for violating a restraining order against him and crossing state lines to access his victim.
Fairness in the CourtsChild Abuse | Parental RightsJoined Amicus Brief: Determined whether a viable fetus is a child for purposes of South Carolina's child abuse and child endangerment statute.
Reproductive RightsJoined Amicus Brief: Determined the constitutionality of an Ohio law that placed restrictions on abortion after fetal viability.
Equal Educational OpportunitiesLGBTQ+ RightsJoined Amicus Brief: Determined the right of a homosexual student to sue for peer-to-peer sexual harassment under §1983 and the 14th Amendment.
Fairness in the CourtsSex-Based ClassificationJoined Amicus Brief: Determined whether a males-only admission policy at a state-run institution violates the Equal Protection Clause.