Memorandum in Support of AB 1094 (Wicks)
Consent and Reproductive Equity (CARE) for Families Act
Recently California has made important steps to protect the bodily autonomy, privacy, and dignity of pregnant individuals. It is imperative that part of this commitment to strengthening reproductive freedom include curbing the pervasive practice of subjecting perinatal patients and newborns to drug testing without their knowledge and consent—and often intrusive and unjustified governmental surveillance as a result. These practices amount to a clear violation of women’s rights to bodily autonomy and reproductive freedom. We urge the Legislature, and Governor Newsom, to swiftly enact the Consent and Reproductive Equity (CARE) for Families Act and end this unlawful surveillance scheme of pregnant women that is exacerbating discriminatory family separations and undermining reproductive justice.
Full memorandum available below.
- Reproductive Rights