The Teen Dating Abuse and Violence project Information Sheets and Resource offer insight, research, education and resources on the variety of topics around Teen Dating Abuse & Violence.
Find below our two formats. The full set of sheets or the 8 individual sheets the set is made of.
ThEse information sheets provide INSIGHT ON THE COMPLICATED And diverse dimensions of TDAV. Download the full SET here or see our INDIVIDUAL TOPICs below.
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Table of Contents
This Sheet introduces the topic of teen dating abuse and violence through definitions and examples. It also provides guidances on how to recognize and screen for TDAV, its important and dangerous consequences and insight into its relationship with sex trafficking.
2. The Teenage Brain, Nature vs. Nurture, Neuroscience
and ACEs
The impact of adverse childhood experiences on the developing brain explains how crucial children’s experiences inside and
outside the home are to their lifelong mental, physical and emotional health and behavior.
3. The Role of Social Media & Electronic Evidence - Glossary
An updated Spring 2021 glossary list of social media platforms and the language associated with them.
4. The Role of Social Media & Electronic Evidence:
Teens rely on social media for their friendships, for their relationships, for education and awareness, to find community and information. However, the virtual world has opened up different forms of abuse and control that make it difficult to protect oneself .
5.LGBTQIA+ Issues in Teen Dating Abuse & Violence – Glossary
A non exhaustive list of definitions related to accurately represent the experiences of all people.
6. LGBTQIA+ Issues in Teen Dating Abuse & Violence
LGBTQIA2S+ youth face unique barriers in recognizing, disclosing and escaping Teen Dating Abuse and Violence. The discrimination survivors experience because of their gender and/or sexual orientation create substantial barriers to accessing support for LGBTQ2IA + youth.
7. Achieving Both Accountability and Protection: The Need for Judicial Leadership
TDAV is rarely a one-time incident bur rather a pattern of abusive behavior over time that causes fear and harm. The impact on victims are serious and can lead to long term physical and psychological harm. The urgency and gravity of these consequences make clear how important it is for courts to act and be educated about Teen Dating Abuse & Violence
8. Teen Dating Abuse & Violence: Resources for Judicial Leadership
Judges have a unique opportunity to provide leadership on the issue of teen dating abuse and violence in their own courts and in the community. This sheet is a compilation of useful resources for about teen dating abuse and violence for judges, courts, schools, parents, teens, and the community.
- National Judicial Education Program
- Teen Dating Violence