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Excellent article on the need for paid "safe leave" to enable domestic violence victims to escape abuse. The article quotes Legal Momentum Vice President for Government Relations Lisalyn Jacobs, and links to our online State Law Guides.
"Abusers also often use finances to exert control over their victims. As Lisalyn Jacobs, vice president for government relations at Legal Momentum, put it, 'The ability of the abuser to control the pursestrings is clearly key to the control and abuse.' Paid leave doesn’t cut a victim off from her own steady source of income.
"Jacobs said her group is pushing for a postering requirement to have employers display information about safe leave at the workplace. Meanwhile, she recently urged people in the Obama administration to include domestic violence victims when talking about sick leave, particularly around the executive order. 'One of the biggest problems we as advocates face is that even where these provisions exist…people don’t know about it,' she said."