Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

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  • A project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence. Online resource with state-by-state information about domestic violence, custody, parental kidnapping, divorce, orders of protection, and gun laws.  Women’s Law also has a comprehensive (state by state and national) database of non-profits, shelters, legal aid organizations, and other helpful groups that provide assistance to women and domestic violence victims. The site also has legal definitions, a guide to preparing a case in court, and other self-help materials.
  • Sexual and domestic violence resources, including publications, grant programs, public policy, fact sheets, and research.
  • Resource, referral, and networking organization that seeks to help victims and survivors of exploitation by psychotherapists and other healthcare providers find the support and resources they will need to understand what has happened to them, take action, and heal.  Email for referrals, support, and other assistance; emails are generally answered within 72 hours by trained volunteers.
  • Addresses domestic violence among lesbians, bisexual women, and in transgender communities.
  • Faith-based organization that focuses both on healing the individual victim and the institution. Information about therapists, lawyers and legislative decisions regarding the sexual abuse of minors available on website. Also connects people with local activist groups and healing liturgies.
  • Aims to raise awareness about sexual misconduct in schools, encourage victims to report incidents and help them recover. Information about contacting local and national legislators, reporting abuse and Title IX in elementary schools is available on website. Also provides legal referrals.
  • Online resources and support network for victims of stalking. Includes contact info for local organizations, links to online information about stalking, safety planning resources, discussion boards, other help.
  • Crisis intervention, referrals, information about state laws, safety planning, and other resources for stalking victims available through hotline or on website.
  • Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Provides referrals to community rape crisis centers, support resources, and other help. New online hotline allows people seeking help to confidentially confer with a trained counselor through instant messages. Website has database of rape crisis centers, and other information for victims and advocates.
  • Federal agency that handles legal/policy issues and grant programs related to violence against women.
  • Visit the National Teen Dating Abuse website to chat with a peer advocate 24/7.
  • Clearinghouse and library for information relating to sexual violence, including publications, research, and other resources both print and online. Website also provides a complete list of state and territory anti-sexual violence coalitions and their contact information. Does not provide crisis intervention, but can provide referrals.


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