Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault

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  • 24-hour hotline staffed by trained counselors to provide support referrals to local organizations that help crime victims, including victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Also does public policy work to promote victims’ rights, provides technical assistance to advocates and community programs.
  • Works to provide information, training, technical assistance, program development, funding to state and community domestic violence organizations; lobbies congress for comprehensive legislative remedies to end domestic violence. Special projects include Women of Color Leadership Project, Technology Safety Project, Transitional Housing Project, VAWA implementation.
  • Hotline is staffed by trained counselors 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Provides crisis intervention, safety planning, referral to shelters and other resources across the US, as well as PR and the US Virgin Islands. Help available in 140 languages.
  • Information, resources, referrals on child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and other family violence issues.
  • Public education on a variety of issues regarding athletes and violent behavior. Also provides advocacy, referrals and research for victims of violence by athletes. Promotes positive athlete development through education, support and accountability.
  • The NCADV is a coalition of grassroots and community organizations that work to prevent, assist, support, and treat victims of domestic violence. The website has contact info for state coalitions and other member organizations, as well as information about safety planning, domestic violence laws, and other related topics. Public policy efforts work to develop a national legislative agenda to address epidemic of domestic violence and to represent before elected officials the over 2,000 NCADV members and coalition partners. Lobbies Congress, monitors and analyzes state and federal legislative developments and common law, and provides information about pending policy initiatives to shelters, state coalitions, and other grassroots advocates.
  • Program development, policy and technical assistance and training that addresses the nexus between domestic violence, sexual assault and elder abuse/neglect. The vision of NCALL is to end abuse and neglect of older adults and people with disabilities by family members, caregivers and others with ongoing relationships with victims. Resource directory includes listing of elder shelters (by state) as well as support groups tailored to older women. Hotline/website info in Spanish and Hmong as well as English.
  • A project of the Battered Women’s Justice Project. Provides customized, case-specific technical assistance to battered women charged with crimes and their defense teams (attorneys, advocates and expert witnesses). The Defense Center works on cases that involve women who have injured or killed their batterer in self-defense; battered women who have been coerced into criminal activity; women charged with "failing to protect" their children from their batterer’s violence; and women who are charged with parental kidnapping or custodial interference after fleeing with their child (or children) to protect themselves or their children from their batterer’s violence.
  • The National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith and Credit (NCPOFFC) is a project of the Battered Women’s Justice Project. NCPOFFC’s mission is to facilitate implementation of the Full Faith and Credit clause of the Violence Against Women Act in all states, tribes, and territories by raising public awareness of the statute’s requirements and by providing problem-solving technical assistance and support to individuals and jurisdictions.
  • An important resource and advocacy organization for crime victims, including victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Affiliated with the National Crime Victims Bar Association. Helps with protective orders and creating safety plans.
  • Grassroots, volunteer effort working to prepare and file clemency petitions for women in Michigan prisons who have been convicted of murder, but who acted in self-defense of an abuser. The Clemency Project advocates for the freedom and human and civil rights of battered women prisoners through clemency petitions and through other legal and advocacy efforts, publishes original research, and provides public education through events, rallies, lectures, publications, and free distribution and screenings of films narrated by Michigan women prisoners.
  • Provides training and technical assistance to American Indian and Alaskan Native communities in order to eliminate violence in the lives of women and their children. Works with villages, reservations, rancherias and pueblos across the United States to improve the justice system, law enforcement, and service provider response to the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking in Native communities.


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