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Has education, advocacy and leadership programs. Reports on Title IX, teen pregnancy, sexual harassment, and health and fitness, as well as numerous newspaper articles, are available on website. Visitors to website can submit questions via email.
Investigates and resolves complaints of discrimination in education. See website for regional centers and information about filing a complaint.
Public service, informational campaign designed to educate the public about Title IX. Explains the regulations in easy-to-understand language with cases studies, provides local community Title IX resources, links to many governmental and educational organizations for more detailed information and advocacy.
National nonprofit organization that trains and supports grassroots student activists in efforts to win improvements in the sexual assault policies at their colleges and universities. Provides legal information to universities about rape and reaches out to academic departments, students, administrators and faculty.
Aims to raise awareness about sexual misconduct in schools, encourage victims to report incidents and help them recover. Information about contacting local and national legislators, reporting abuse and Title IX in elementary schools is available on website. Also provides legal referrals.
Nonprofit organization that educates campus communities about crime, provides legal guidance to families and victims, and sponsors anti-crime initiatives. Case law regarding Title IX, school security records access, and hazing accessible through website.
Public education, advocacy, and impact litigation to enforce Title IX and promote gender equity. Projects have included challenging biased testing procedures, inequities in math/science education, discrimination in athletics, and sexual harassment. Takes very few cases a year; information and resources on website.
Nonprofit coalition dedicated to improving educational opportunities for girls and women. Public education about issues concerning equal rights for women and girls in education; monitors enforcement of laws promoting gender equity in education; research and policy analysis. Website has info about laws and policies, and issues affecting women’s equal access to education and athletics.
Activities include research, advocacy, leadership development and programming development. Goal of these projects is to increase gender equality in school sports.
Works to eliminate gender bias in education. Provides undergraduate scholarships, doctoral dissertation awards, special grants to K-12 teachers to support classroom efforts at eliminating bias, and special grants to K-12 students working to support the ideals of the Myra Sadker Foundation. Website has resources and suggestions for achieving equality in education.
Harassment Resolution Services works to end sexual harassment and abuse in schools, universities, graduate programs, and for teens victimized at work, by educating the public about sexual harassment and bullying, providing free advocacy assistance for victims, and offering other information and resources to resolve harassment issues.
Innovative research and policy institute that focuses on developing gender-healthy education and schools; technology and gender; the elimination of all forms of gendered violence; improving economic self-sufficiency for both women and men; and developing a deeper understanding of the multiple ways to define femininity and masculinity.