Gender Equity and Discrimination - All Levels of Education

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  • Investigates and resolves complaints of discrimination in education.  See website for regional centers and information about filing a complaint.
  • Public service, informational campaign designed to educate the public about Title IX. Explains the regulations in easy-to-understand language with cases studies, provides local community Title IX resources, links to many governmental and educational organizations for more detailed information and advocacy.
  • Public education, advocacy, and impact litigation to enforce Title IX and promote gender equity.  Projects have included challenging biased testing procedures, inequities in math/science education, discrimination in athletics, and sexual harassment. Takes very few cases a year; information and resources on website.
  • Nonprofit coalition dedicated to improving educational opportunities for girls and women. Public education about issues concerning equal rights for women and girls in education; monitors enforcement of laws promoting gender equity in education; research and policy analysis.  Website has info about laws and policies, and issues affecting women’s equal access to education and athletics.
  • Works to eliminate gender bias in education. Provides undergraduate scholarships, doctoral dissertation awards, special grants to K-12 teachers to support classroom efforts at eliminating bias, and special grants to K-12 students working to support the ideals of the Myra Sadker Foundation. Website has resources and suggestions for achieving equality in education.
  • Innovative research and policy institute that focuses on developing gender-healthy education and schools; technology and gender; the elimination of all forms of gendered violence; improving economic self-sufficiency for both women and men; and developing a deeper understanding of the multiple ways to define femininity and masculinity.
  • Terrific resource and action center on issues of educational equity and Title IX. Definitions, information, research, and links.
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