Legal Momentum frequently gives workshops, presentations, trainings, and talks to a wide range of audiences and gatherings. Here are summaries of some of the topics on which our subject matter experts frequently speak. Legal Momentum also develops custom presentations for specific events and organizations and Legal Momentum’s subject matter experts often participate in panel and roundtable discussions. Please email for information on arranging a presentation, workshop, panel, or webinar for your organization or event.
Campus Sexual Assault
Legal Rights and Remedies for Student Victims of Campus Sexual Assault
This presentation covers legal rights, under Title IX and other laws, for student survivors of sexual assault on campus. Legal Momentum aims to clarify the responsibilities Title IX imposes on schools to respond to complaints of sexual assault and provide accommodations for survivors. The presentation emphasizes that despite changes to federal Department of Education guidance, the law itself remains unchanged.
Empowering Girls and Young Women
Legal Momentum’s Rights Now! Peer Educator Empowerment Program partners with community organizations to bring activity-based workshops on healthy relationships and legal rights to young women and girls in New York city. Workshops are offered on these topics:
- Power, Privilege, and Oppression
- Healthy Relationships
- Social Media and Cyber-Violence
- Legal Rights
Trainings for Court System Professionals from the National Judicial Education Program
- Effective Co-Advocacy to Help Sexual Assault Victims Navigate the Criminal Justice System
- Judges Tell: What I Wish I Had Known Before I Presided in an Adult Victim Sexual Assault Case
- Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: Adjudicating This Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence Cases
- Medical Forensic Sexual Assault Examinations: What Are They, and What Can They Tell the Courts?
- Raped or Seduced? How Language Shapes Our Response to Sexual Violence
Use this form to request training from the National Judicial Education Program.
View these recorded webinars free of charge at any time:
- Helping Sexual Assault Victims Navigate the Criminal Justice System: Effective Use of a Multidisciplinary Approach
- Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: The Hidden Dimension of Domestic Violence
- Intimate Partner Sexual Abuse: From Teen Dating Violence to Trafficking
- This Workplace Is a DV-Free Zone: Elements of an Effective Workplace Policy
- The Intersection of Stalking and Sexual Assault
- Raped or "Seduced"? How Language Helps Shape Our Response to Sexual Violence