Legal Momentum Calls For Cancellation Of Rush Limbaugh's Show

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March 5, 2012

March 5, 2012 - The backlash to Rush Limbaugh's appalling remarks about Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke demonstrates that women are making an impact on the national dialogue.

Last week, Mr. Limbaugh called Ms. Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute" after she testified before Congressional Democrats in support of national health care policies. The National Organization for Women (NOW) called for Clear Channel Communications, whose Premiere Radio Networks has Limbaugh on contract, to cancel Mr. Limbaugh's program. Several companies have since pulled advertising from his show.

The outcry over Mr. Limbaugh’s characterization of Ms. Fluke is gratifying. A true dialogue on women's issues cannot be set in the realm of name-calling and denigrating rhetoric. Women's health is a national concern, not an excuse to brand women with tired stereotypes and outdated ideas for the purpose of ratings and controversy.

Unfortunately, Mr. Limbaugh is still on the air, so we encourage you to contact his employer and demand that his program be cancelled. The company Mr. Limbaugh works for is Clear Channel Communications (parent company of Premiere Radio Networks, Inc). You can email their chairman and CEO, Lowry Mays, at