Employment Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

If you are being watched, leave now!

Legal Momentum works to enforce and expand laws and policies enacted to protect working women.  We use our expertise in employment and pregnancy discrimination law to prevent and redress discrimination and harassment against women on a national scale. We work at every level of government to strengthen and promote systemic and policy-based solutions to the challenges faced by women, especially for women working in low wage and non-traditional fields.

Useful Resources

Federal Government

Department of Labor
Toll-free: (866) 487-2365 [1-866-4-USA-DOL]
TTY: (887) 889- 5627
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Government agency that oversees labor standards, laws, and practices.  Call Center (toll-free) provides general information from 8am to 8pm EST weekdays.  Website has information on topics including wages, health plans, unemployment insurance, FMLA.  ELaws advisors section of website provides an interactive module for finding answers to questions about FMLA, ERISA, benefits, and other issues. 

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Toll-free: (800) 669-4000
TTY: (800) 669-6820
1801 L Street, NW
Washington DC 20507
Email: info@eeoc.gov
Government agency that investigates and prosecutes discrimination claims.  Claims should generally be filed with state or local EEO office; call toll free number [available between 8:30am and 5:30pm EST weekdays] or visit website to find contact info for local field office. Website has information on how to identify discrimination, how to file a complaint, and other FAQs.

FMLA E-Advisor
Toll-free: (866) 487-2365 [1-866-4-USA-DOL]
TTY: (887) 889- 5627 
This fact sheet, produced by the DOL, contains information about employee eligibility and rights under FMLA. To speak with someone about the FMLA in their state, workers should call the main DOL office and they will be referred to their state agency.

Unemployment Insurance Information, Department of Labor
Call Center (TTY/voice) : 1-877- 872-5627 [1-877-US-2JOBS]
Frances Perkins Building
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
The Unemployment Insurance programs provide unemployment benefits to eligible workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own, and meet certain other eligibility requirements.  Website contains information about: State UI, Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA); Unemployment for Federal Employees; Unemployment for Ex-Service members; Extended Benefits; etc.  Call toll-free Call Center number for information about layoffs and unemployment. 

National Labor Relations Board
Toll-free: 1-866-667-NLRB (1-866-667-6572)
TTY: 1-866-315-NLRB (1-866-315-6572)
1099 14th St., NW
Washington, DC 20570
Information about labor union issues and organizing rights.

Sexual Discrimination and Harassment - Information and Legal Assistance

9 to 5, National Association of Working Women
Job Survival Hotline: (800) 522-0925
Main Office: (414) 274-0925
207 E Buffalo St. #211
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Email: hotline@9to5.org 
Challenges discriminatory practices, particularly with regards to sexual harassment, pay equity, and other inequitable conditions.  Check website for information about local chapters.  Call helpline for information on legal rights, strategies to win fair treatment on the job, and discrimination.

Center for WorkLife Law, UC Hastings College of Law
Parental Responsibilities Discrimination Hotline: 1-800-981-9495 or 202-680-8964
200 McAllister St.
San Francisco, CA 94102
Email: hotline@worklifelaw.org
Research and advocacy center with a focus on parental responsibilities discrimination, which includes pregnancy discrimination, pay/promotion discrimination against employees (especially mothers) with children in favor of childless employees or fathers, and employers’ failure to accommodate worker’s childcare needs.  Website has detailed information and FAQs about legal rights.  Call or email hotline for assistance and legal referrals for issues related to parental responsibilities discrimination.

Equal Rights Advocates (ERA)
Hotline: (800) 839-4372 [800-839-4ERA]
(415) 621-0505
1663 Mission Street, Suite 250
San Francisco, CA 94103
Email: info@equalrights.org
Policy and advocacy organization that works to advance women’s equal rights and equal economic opportunities.  Call hotline for information, assistance, and legal referrals for employment discrimination issues, including family leave and pregnancy leave.  Special projects include Tradeswomen Legal Advocacy Project and policy around work/family balance.

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law/ Employment Discrimination Project
(202) 662-8351
1401 New York Ave., NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20005
Michael Foreman, Project Director
Email: mforeman@lawyerscomm.org
Provides direct pro-bono representation for select, high-impact cases of employment discrimination.  Also works with congress to ensure the enforcement of labor laws.

The Legal Aid Society - Employment Law Center
DV & Work Helpline: 1-888-864-8335
Work & Family Helpline (in CA): 800-880-8047
Work & Family Helpline (outside CA):415-593-0033
TTY/TDD Line: (415) 593-0091
Main Office: (415) 864-8848
600 Harrison Street, Suite 120
San Francisco, CA 94107
Policy advocacy, information, and impact litigation.  Free employment law clinics in Bay Area; fact sheets and other helpful info on website.  Domestic Violence (DV) and Work Helpline provides individualized assistance to protect the employment rights of survivors of domestic violence.  Work and Family Project Helpline provides assistance with issues involving family leave.  Also has LGBT employment project, and projects that advance racial equality, fight discrimination against immigrants or others based on national origins, and protect the rights of the disabled. 

National Employment Law Project
National Office: (212) 285-3025
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 509
New York, NY 10038
Email: nelp@nelp.org
Provides advocacy and organizing support for immigrant, welfare and non-standard workers who have been discriminated against.  Work and Family Project advocates for enforcement and expansion of FMLA and paid family leave.  Website has fact sheets about worker’s rights and other information. 

National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA)
44 Montgomery St., Ste. 2080
San Francisco, CA 94104
Email: nelahq@nelahq.org
Important database of employment lawyers in good standing, organized by state.  To find a lawyer, search online or send self-addressed stamped envelope for a printed listing of employment lawyers in your state.  Cannot provide attorney referrals by phone or email.

Pension Rights Center
Phone: (202) 296-3776
1350 CT Avenue NW, Suite 206
Washington, DC 20036
Policy and advocacy to protect and expand pension rights.  Direct services provided through “pension counseling system” in some regions of the country.  Online “pension help” can be accessed for those states where there is no counseling system, as can referrals to pension lawyers and actuaries.

Women Employed
Job Problems Counseling: (312) 782-3902 [Wednesdays, 10am-12pm CST]
111 N. Wabash, Suite 1300
Chicago, Illinois 60602
Advocacy and policy organization that focuses on women’s equality in the workplace.  Website has detailed information about worker’s rights, pregnancy and family leave discrimination, sexual harassment, and employment discrimination.  Hotline [open Wednesdays, 10am to 12pm CST] staffed by trained counselors who can provide tips for negotiating with an employer, guidance on filing a charges, and referrals to employment law attorneys in Illinois.

Workplace Fairness
2031 Florida Avenue NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20009
Excellent online resource for information about employment law and worker’s rights.  Facts on workers’ rights are available on webpage.  Website has referrals to attorney’s advocates, associations and litigation funding sources. 

Professional Organizations and Unions

Advancing Women
Phone: (210) 822-8087
P.O. Box 6642
321 Kampmann Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78209
Email: advancingwomen@gmail.com
Jobs and careers for women and people of diverse backgrounds.  Job listings, networking, career advice, and other informational resources for professional women.

(212) 514-7600
120 Wall Street, 5th floor
New York, NY 10005
Membership organization for professional women, especially women in business and corporate jobs.  Encourages the recruitment and advancement of women in corporate positions through research, publications and workshops.  Offices in NY, CA, Toronto, and Switzerland.

Coalition of Labor Union Women
Phone: (202) 508-6969
815 16th St. NW, 2nd Floor South
Washington, DC 20006
Email: getinfo@cluw.org
Promotes increased involvement of women in unions through grassroots activism. Projects include contraceptive equity, reproductive health, education and training opportunities, leadership training.

Federally Employed Women
Phone: (202) 898-0994
1666 K Street, NW Suite 440
Washington, DC 20006
Email: few@few.org
Works on gender discrimination issues involving women who are federally employed, including women in the military. Educates members on their workplace rights and facilitates career development through training institutes.  Does not officially represent workers, but will speak with management or employers when deemed appropriate.

National Association for Women in Construction
Phone: (817) 877-5551
Toll-free: (800) 552-3506
327 S. Adams Street
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
Email: nawic@nawic.org
Provides information, educational opportunities and advocacy for the advancement and recognition of women in the construction industry.  Also works to educate employers.  Local chapters.

National Center for Women and Policing
Phone: (310) 556-2526
433 S. Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA  90212
Email: womencops@feminist.org
A project of the Feminist Majority Foundation.  Does not provide direct legal assistance, but website has information about spotting and stopping discrimination, as well as publications on gender balance in policing, use of force, sexual assault training, domestic violence, and other topics.

Tradeswomen Now and Tomorrow (TNT)
1455 South Michigan, Suite 210
Chicago, IL 60605
A national coalition committed to achieving economic equity by increasing the number of women in trade and technical fields and improving their working conditions. Promotes policies, actions, and partnerships designed to improve women’s access to nontraditional fields such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation.  Website has discussion groups, job search, other resources.

Wider Opportunities for Women
Phone: (202) 464-1596
1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 930
Washington, DC  20036
Email: info@WOWonline.org
No direct legal services. Offers educational and other programs to advance women’s economic self-sufficiency and career advancement include literacy, technical and nontraditional skills, the welfare-to-work transition, career development, and retirement security.  Family Economic Self-Sufficiency Project and Elder Economic Security Initiative combine grassroots organizing, public policy, advocacy, and research to promote financial security for families and older women.

Women Work!
Referral Network: (800) 235-2732
Phone: (202) 467-6346
1625 K Street, NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Email: info@womenwork.org
Education, advocacy, and organizing to promote women’s career opportunities and help them advance in the workforce.  See website, email, or call toll-free number for local member organizations that provide job readiness, education and training to women.  Also lobbies Congress for women’s employment issues.

Public Policy

National Partnership for Women and Families
Phone: (202) 986-2600
1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 710
Washington, DC 20009
Email: info@nationalpartnership.org
Uses public education and advocacy to promote a wide variety of issues aimed at achieving fairness in the workplace, increasing access to quality health care, and facilitating work-family life balance. 

National Workrights Institute
Phone: 609-683-0313
166 Wall St.
Princeton, NJ  08540
Email: info@workrights.org
Non-profit policy organization that protects worker’s human and civil rights on the job.  Issues include drug testing, electronic monitoring, right to organize, medical privacy, whistleblower protections. 

Women’s Institute for a Secure Retirement
(202) 393-5452
1146 19th Street NW, Suite 700
Washington, DC 20036
Information regarding pensions, social security, divorce and widowhood and long-term healthcare available on website.  Can call to request further information or publications.