A detailed guide on state laws pertaining to pregnancy discrimination, workplace accommodations, rights to request pregnancy-related and family leave, and breastfeeding.
If you are being watched, leave now!
It is not unusual for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking to have been arrested for or convicted of crimes related to the violence. Additionally, proceedings related to protective orders can sometimes appear on criminal background checks, even if the protective order was issued on your behalf against your abuser or the perpetrator of an assault. When you are looking for a job, you may be asked about your arrest record or your criminal record. This guide answers some common questions about laws that can protect you against discrimination and afford you privacy.
Abused women and/or men in same-gender relationships face unique barriers to asserting their rights to be free from domestic violence including homophobia and misconceptions about domestic violence in same-gender relationships. Consider the following:
This guide explains your rights if you have been sexually harassed or assaulted at work or have been fired, forced to quit, demoted, or harassed by your employer after your employer learned you were in an abusive relationship or the victim of sexual violence.
A survivor of domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking may have physical and emotional disabilities caused by the abuse. Employers cannot discriminate against you if you have certain disabilities. This guide provides basic information about your right to protection against discrimination. It also tells you about your right to ask for changes in your workload, hours or space that are necessary because of your disability.
Determined if the First Amendment justifies a commercial business’s refusal to serve a customer in a protected group.