Violence Against Women and Girls

If you are being watched, leave now!

  • This Resource Guide provides information to help identify if a person is being stalked, tips about how to stay safe, and descriptions of the laws that help protect stalking victims.  
  • Provides information, tips and resources regarding the specifics of child custody when domestic violence is an issue, applicable state and inter-state laws, Parental Alienation Syndrome, and the impact domestic violence has on children.
  • Provides information and resources about developing a court-watch program for domestic violence and/or rape and sexual assault cases in your community. This information can also help individuals interested in establishing a court-watch program for any issue.
  • Frecuentemente las víctimas de la violencia doméstica, la agresión sexual, o el acoso son arrestadas o condenadas por los crímenes de violencia que sufren. Esta guía fue escrita para contestar preguntas comunes sobre leyes creadas para protegerla contra la discriminación y para proteger su privacidad.
  • It is not unusual for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking to have been arrested for or convicted of crimes related to the violence. Additionally, proceedings related to protective orders can sometimes appear on criminal background checks, even if the protective order was issued on your behalf against your abuser or the perpetrator of an assault. When you are looking for a job, you may be asked about your arrest record or your criminal record. This guide answers some common questions about laws that can protect you against discrimination and afford you privacy.
  • Victims of domestic and sexual violence need statutory protections to permit them to take time off during business hours to obtain a protective order or to seek short-term leave to seek protection from domestic violence, and to do so free from the fear of adverse employment action or termination. This report surveys the current status of legal projects for victims of domestic violence in the work place. (2004) 
  • Concerned the right of a domestic violence victim to take leave from work for proceedings and medical care under California's domestic violence leave law and the Family Rights act.
  • Domestic or sexual violence often affects victims or survivors at work. Victims may need time off to address the violence. They may also need changes made at work to stop the abuser or perpetrator from harassing them at work or to make the workplace safer. Some victims are illegally fired because of the violence. There are many laws that give victims working in New York City important rights and benefits. This guide answers some common questions.
  • Existen varias leyes en la cuidad de Nueva York que les dan ciertos derechos y beneficios en su trabajo a las víctimas del abuso. Esta guía intenta responder a preguntas comunes sobre estos derechos.
  • Esta “Guía de Referencia Abreviada” es una compilación de todas las guías tituladas “Conozca Sus Derechos...” y otros materiales educativos sobre los derechos y remedios específicamente disponibles para las víctimas de la violencia. 
  • Survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking may be affected by the violence at work. The abuser or perpetrator may call you, stalk you, make threats against you or your children, or attack you at work. These efforts may be affect your ability to work or jeopardize your job. You may be able to reduce the impact that violence has on your job through safety planning.


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