Understanding Your Rights to Pay Equity in New York!

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September 18, 2023

Today, women in the workforce, especially women of color, continue to face high rates of pay discrimination, which can follow them throughout their lives. Not only are women paid less for doing the same work as men, but women are also typically segregated into lower-wage jobs where they face higher rates of workplace violations, including sexual harassment and wage theft. While pay discrimination can sometimes be difficult to identity, New York has passed a series of laws that workers can use to challenge unequal pay. 


Even with these laws in effect, New Yorkers file very few equal pay complaints, highlighting that a further barrier to pay equity in New York is a lack of awareness of the protections available to workers. Legal Momentum has updated its resource, "Understanding Your Right to Pay Equity in New York," so that New Yorkers are not only aware of the protections available to them, but also know how to use them. Download the full resource below. 



  • Workplace Equality and Economic Empowerment


Seher Khawaja
Kyra Batté
  • Women Valued Initiative


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