Workplace Equality and Economic Empowerment

If you are being watched, leave now!

  • Concerns sex discrimination and retaliation claims by a woman apprentice worker who was assaulted by a co-worker and fired by her employer
  • Determined the right of victim to have protection from employer retaliation for having obtained a restraining order against an abusive boyfriend/coworker.
  • If you have left or lost a job because of domestic or sexual violence, you may be eligible for unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. This guide is designed to provide practical tips to help you claim unemployment insurance benefits. 
  • Derechos en empleo para las víctimas de la violencia doméstica, la agresión sexual, o el acoso que trabajan en la ciudad de Nueva York.
  • This Manual offers an overview of employment laws in New York State that may be useful to victims of domestic violence in addition to practice guidlines for lawyers and advocates. 
  • Provides information and resources for dealing with sex discrimination and sexual harassment at work. Includes information on sex discrimination laws, complaint and investigation procedures, and a sample letter to a harasser.
  • Frecuentemente las víctimas de la violencia doméstica, la agresión sexual, o el acoso son arrestadas o condenadas por los crímenes de violencia que sufren. Esta guía fue escrita para contestar preguntas comunes sobre leyes creadas para protegerla contra la discriminación y para proteger su privacidad.
  • Provides information and resources for dealing with pregnancy in the workplace. Includes information on applicable laws, employer discrimination against pregnant women, maternity leave, disability leave for pregnancy, and ways to improve the employment situation.
  • It is not unusual for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking to have been arrested for or convicted of crimes related to the violence. Additionally, proceedings related to protective orders can sometimes appear on criminal background checks, even if the protective order was issued on your behalf against your abuser or the perpetrator of an assault. When you are looking for a job, you may be asked about your arrest record or your criminal record. This guide answers some common questions about laws that can protect you against discrimination and afford you privacy.
  • Determined whether a city's failure to provide properly-sized protective clothing and its failure to provide adequate restrooms, showers and private changing facilities in firehouses, constitutes sex discrimination.
  • A class action lawsuit alleging that labor recruiters engage in sex discrimination against Mexican women who they are placing as non-immigrant guestworkers to work in the United States.
  • Victims of domestic and sexual violence need statutory protections to permit them to take time off during business hours to obtain a protective order or to seek short-term leave to seek protection from domestic violence, and to do so free from the fear of adverse employment action or termination. This report surveys the current status of legal projects for victims of domestic violence in the work place. (2004) 


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