Violence Against Women

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  • Determined whether Arizona State University is liable under Title IX for the rape of a student by another student who was known to be a serial sexual harasser.
  • Determined whether a domestic violence survivor could remove her name from the electronic court record of an eviction complaint to prevent adverse impacts on future house opportunities.
  • Determined the availability of unemployment insurance under New York law for a victim of domestic violence who leaves her job to relocate in order to escape abuser.
  • Determined whether a victim of domestic violence may be penalized for "failure to produce records" in an eminent domain suit, where she had lost access to her records when fleeing from her abusive husband.
  • Concerned a wife's right to her husband's pension upon divorce even if he lost his job due to a restraining order she obtained to protect herself against his abuse.
  • Addressed the right of domestic violence victims to protection from employment discharge under North Carolina public policy.
  • Determined the definition of extreme cruelty under the VAWA provision that protects immigrant victims from deportation and return to their abuser.
  • Determined the statute of limitations on sexual abuse tort and discovery rule due to childhood trauma in Ohio.
  • Determined whether the prosecution of a domestic violence victim for murdering her husband was impermissibly tainted by the prosecution's baseless suggestions that she worked as a prostitute.
  • Determined whether a defendant forfeits the Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause right where defendant’s wrongful act caused witness’s unavailability.
  • Determined the use of the discovery rule to extend the statute of limitations in childhood incest cases.
  • Challenged President Trump’s Executive Order 13780, which placed limits on travel to the U.S. from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen.


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