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  • The Senate’s failure to confirm Loretta Lynch as US Attorney General because of partisan disagreement over an important bill on human trafficking is a sad irony. Lynch has been a top leader in the fight against human trafficking during her tenure as US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
  • An exhibition titled Until Safety Is Guaranteed: Women and the Fight against Violence opens on April 6, 2015, and runs through August 14, 2015. It will be on view on the first floor of the Schlesinger Library, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m."Gender-Based Violence and the Law
  • A woman needs time off from work because she is relocating to a domestic violence shelter to escape her husband’s violence.An unknown person shows up at the office and demands to see his girlfriend, who is an employee there; he threatens that he won’t leave until she agrees to see him.An employee repeatedly uses office phone lines and email to harass and threaten his ex-girlfriend.If you’re an employer, chances are that you have encountered one of the three scenarios listed above. If you haven’t, it’s just a matter of time before you do.
  • On a recent December Saturday, I hurried from the Metro train with my 6 year-old son trailing behind. We were joining friends and colleagues at the Justice for All March in Washington, DC. We had endured a dismal series of weeks in late November in which grand juries had refused to indict law enforcement for the killing of unarmed black men, and an African American domestic violence survivor had agreed to a plea agreement that included a return to prison after she’d already served 3 years for firing several warning shots to scare off her abusive husband.
  • New Mexico teenager Karina Ramirez nearly dropped out of school just two weeks after the birth of her baby, because school officials said she had missed too many days. In fact, family responsibilities are the top reason why young women drop out of high school; the Gates Foundation found that 26% of students who dropped out of high school did so because they became a parent. Some are pushed out of school by administrators or teachers who don’t want parenting students there, and some just fall out of school because of inadequate support.
  • Legal Momentum had a busy day Wednesday, presenting before legislative leaders in two places: the U.S. Congress and the New York City Council. In DC, Laura Wilkinson, Legal Momentum's Vice Chair, spoke to the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee on setting legislative priorities for the new Congress. In NYC, Senior Staff Attorney Christina Brandt-Young testified at a New York City Council hearing on the segregated New York City Fire Department workforce, which has the lowest percentage of women employees of any city agency. 
  • Legal Momentum previously reported (see here and here) on our involvement in the case of Montana rapist Stacy Rambold, which drew international attention because of the one-month prison sentence that Judge G.
  • Legal Momentum applauds New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement yesterday that the State University of New York (SUNY) will put in place a comprehensive, uniform set of practices to combat sexual assault on SUNY campuses. The new policy requires affirmative consent for sexual activity, protects victims of sexual violence from punishment for underage drinking, and will create
  • Legal Momentum’s Department of Education complaint against Brown University is currently being featured in a New York Times “Op-Doc” “Brown's 'Rape List,' Revisited.” The short d
  • Legal Momentum had planned this month as a celebratory one to toast the 20th Anniversary of the passage of the Violence Against Women Act and LM’s role.
  • An analysis of the 2013 Census Bureau poverty report which shows that poverty rates are declining but still remain high, espeically for women, as the gender poverty gap persists.
  • Legal Momentum's President and CEO, Carol Robles Román, is speaking out in the media in the wake of the high-profile Ray Rice domestic violence case, calling for accountability for judges and prosecutors in prosecuting perpetrators, stronger laws to  protect victims and innovative services like Family Justice Centers.


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