LM in Action Newsletters
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Subscribe NowOur LM in Action Series highlights the work of our organization. This national newsletter provides an interesting and challenging look at current legal and political issues critical to the advancement of women and girls. Stay up to date with the changes that lie ahead in the struggle for women's rights.
June 2020
- We are proud that the decades of work by our National Judicial Education Program (NJEP)
- Appointed the country’s first state supreme court task force on gender bias in the courts, with NJEP Director Lynn Hecht Schafran as a member.
- Russo’s removal sets an important nationwide example as a serious response to gender bias in the courts
June 2020
- One of the original founders of NOW and our organization, attorney Marguerite Rawait - organized a network of her peers in the field
- Roberts closely tracked sex discrimination lawsuits around the country, watching each of them fail in lower courts
- They formed a permanent institution
June 2020
- Today, and every day, we stand for equality.
May 2020
- We are privileged to join the Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy (PHRGE) at Northeastern University School of Law in submitting comments to the United Nation’s Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.
- United Nations Committee’s draft reflected our initial guidance to direct countries to actively address root causes of trafficking
- Read our full comments here.
May 2020
- U.S. Department of Education released a new rule that greatly weakens protections afforded by Title IX
- In 3 months schools must incorporate this harmful rule while also delivering education in a pandemic
- We will not let this rule go into effect unchallenged
May 2020
- Opposing the EEOC’s decision to stop collecting pay data by gender and race
- Employers who collect this data unearth and correct problematic pay disparities
Important to protect women who are undervalued, including low-wage women workers and women of color, now called upon to work on the frontlines of this crisis
April 2020
- April Black Women's History Month
- We have supported numerous cases brought by black women to expand legal rights
- We joined important amicus brief for this influential Supreme Court Title VII case
April 2020
- Pandemic is not an excuse to strip women of their reproductive rights
- Access to safe reproductive healthcare is central to our mission
- We joined a historic coalition of 18 civil rights and women's rights organization in an amicus brief
April 2020
- April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
- Advocating for reauthorization to the Violence Against Women Act
- Advocating for direct victim service provider funding
April 2020
- RightsNow! continues it groundbreaking work remotely during CV-19
- Ensure young women and youth understand cyberbullying as web keeps us connected during CV-19
- Peer educators continue to be financially compensated and are trained remotely
April 2020
- Women the majority at the pandemic frontlines
- Women still more likely to be paid less, live in poverty, and be victim to sexual harassment in the workplace
- Spanish and Chinese translations of Resource guides
March 2020
- Women experience gender and racial wage discrimination
- Discrimination is greater for women of color and immigrant women
- March 31st is #EqualPayDay
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